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Showing posts from May, 2017

Recognizing Individuals Through Crystal Awards in Baytown Tx

Most people in Baytown, TX would agree that recognition for a job well done is appreciated and makes them feel valued. Whether it is a personal accomplishment or a professional achievement, receiving acknowledgment for our efforts makes us feel good and can motivate us to continue to perform well. Recognition in the form of a stunning crystal award gives Baytown, TX people a tangible reminder of the success we worked so hard to attain. Crystal awards come in an array of shapes and sizes, from simple rectangular plates to smooth cylinders and ornate faceted designs. Crystal often contains lead (hence the name "lead crystal"), and it is the presence of metal that allows crystal awards to be molded and crafted into their varying forms. It is what makes crystal pieces shine with a subtle silvery glint and improves clarity and color over that of standard glass pieces. Optical crystal is a form of crystal that is extremely hard and clear. Unlike many other crystal material

Baytown Trophies Store Reveals Top 5 Ways to Reward a Star Employee

Rewarding an employee with personalized gifts in Baytown or throwing them a party equipped with banners in Baytown, TX , are a great way to show your appreciation, but don’t think that’s all you can do for them. There’s a plethora of ways you can show your appreciation to a wonderful employee, and every bit you put in you’ll get back. Satisfied employees are consistently rated as better and more efficient workers, so it’s in your best interest to show them you care. If you’re at a loss for some ideas on how to show your gratitude, consider utilizing these five ideas presented by Awards & Engraving. 1) Buy Them Lunch One of the easiest personalized gifts in Baytown you can give an employee is a good lunch. Ask your star employee where their favorite place to eat is several days prior, then surprise them with a trip to their favorite restaurant. Your employee will be elated at the prospect and feel rewarded for their hard work. 2) Give Them Employee of the Month If y