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Showing posts from January, 2018

One Year Closing and another Opening with Baytown Trophies Store

When you look back at 2017, what do you see: successes, failures, good times and bad times, and plenty of things to learn from? With the New Year already here it’s hard to believe that the years can be going so fast. Are there people in your business who have had accomplishments? Have you recognized them? With how fast day to day life is, it’s easy to forget the little things. Handing our Baytown personalized promotional products to all of your employees is a good idea as a gift, but it doesn’t acknowledge their accomplishments. A Baytown award with their name engraved on it would be a much more personal and morale-boosting gift to recognize them. Baytown trophies are cheap and easy to personalize, making them a great choice for businesses. Promotional products in Baytown are great for just little things your employees can carry around while simultaneously advertising your business, but they aren’t the best for achievement recognition. Going into the New Year, make your employ