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Showing posts from February, 2018

Baytown Plaques Shop is Excited for Spring Sports

             The cold season is quickly flying by and we as a Baytown plaques shop are eager for the warmer months to arrive at last. It’s been abnormally cold and we just cannot wait for the sunshine and warmth to come back. One great part about spring heading our way is the fact that people are starting to talk about upcoming local sporting events such as track and field or soccer, bringing with it all the more excitement this coming season. No matter if you’d rather watch college sports or you’re just eager for your children to play in local sports, most people are excited to find out what teams will win the community Baytown trophies or college trophies this season. Watching the children show off their freshly won Baytown awards is always a huge joy their parents have during the spring sporting season and we are no exception. As a Baytown trophies shop, we put a lot of effort into our merchandise like those young athletes’ Baytown awards, and we do our very best to crea

Baytown Banners Store Suggests Valentine’s Day Gifts

This season is quickly flying by as we are jumping head first into the second month of the year. For most people, February is when sweethearts give presents to express their love to the other. Many couples will go the route of traditional presents such as roses and a stuffed teddy bear but a few are searching for things that have more of a personal touch. It’s not someone’s first thought that going to a Baytown banners and awards store would be the way to achieve this, but people are sometimes surprised with what they discover there. Of course people will find the normal Baytown trophies and Baytown promotional products ; but dive a little deeper and they’ll find that the store will also sell some quality merchandise that will make wonderful presents for a Valentine. Close to the Baytown trophies is a very nice looking silver hearts picture frame with an area to be engraved if desired.   Take a look around the Baytown promotional products and you will see a cute silver container