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Showing posts from April, 2019

How to Prepare for Baytown Trophies Season

All the schools are getting out around the same time, which means that graduation ceremonies are coming up. With graduation ceremonies come awards and awards and awards! It’s easy to get flooded with awards season, especially when you have so many students, teachers, and parents that deserve recognition. But that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for awards season! Here are some recommendations from a  Baytown awards store  on how to prepare for awards season.   Medal Awards   Medals are great for recognizing individual successes. If you have a few students that have achieved academic success, or if you have some teachers that have demonstrated exceptional professionalism, medals are great for recognizing them. With medal awards, you can choose which ribbon you want and what type of medallion you want attached.   Traditional Trophies   You can never go wrong with traditional  Baytown  trophie s ; that’s why they’re called traditional. These are great for recogniz