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Showing posts from June, 2019
Have you taken the time to appreciate your employees? There are some innovative ways to show your employees you appreciate them. If you give them opportunities for growth, you are showing your employees that you believe in them. An action like that will resonate with them, showing them just how much you appreciate them. Here are some good tips to go by from a  Baytown  custom   award store   on innovative recognition for your employees.   Encourage guidelines and foster creativity.   In the workplace, rules and standards are necessary. But there is also room for creative liberty (depending on the job). If your workplace allows creative liberty, don’t pass that opportunity up. Instead of enforcing rules, enforce standards in the workplace accompanied with guidelines. This means that if there is more than one process to a task, let your employees explore what works best for them. This will give your employees more power to think for themselves and grow more.   Along