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Showing posts from July, 2019

National Day of Encouragement Ideas from a Baytown Awards Store

Would you consider yourself as encouraging to your employees? Whether you do or don’t, you should take some time to be an encouragement to them. Nation Day of Encouragement is September 12, and  in light of  the holiday, a  Baytown awards store  has some ideas to help you celebrate your employees!   Involve some food!   Who doesn’t love events with food? (Hardly anyone, that’s who!) If you want to be the encouragement your employees need, why not throw them a fun event with some food included? You can have a picnic or, if you’re feeling adventurous, have a potluck to try your employees’ different cooking styles. If you have a meeting coming up, you could order a catered meal for your employees, too.   Involve some quality time.   At those employee events with food, take advantage of the time you  have to  get to know your team members. Have some quality conversation with them and get personal with them. You’ll find that it’s easier to stay motivated and work w