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Showing posts from November, 2019

Local Awards and Engravings store in Baytown, TX Shares the Best Four Awards to Give Employees

  Recognizing employees once a year is so important as this helps to motivate and inspire your team.  Employees do a lot and help in a  multitude  of different way s , recognizing them for their hard work is one simple way to show them you care .   However, p icking just a few things to recognize  at the end of each year  is daunting , it can be hard to narrow down the ways your employees help the most .   A  local   a wards and  e ngravings store in Baytown, TX  is sharing some ideas for the best awards to give   employees  to show them you care.    The four  awards  shared below allows leaders to narrow down overall accomplishment and achievement  within your company .   Best Customer Service Award   No matter what profession you are in customers are key. Without your customers ,  there would be no business or even employees to award. This award allows you to acknowledge the employees who make the customers feel more like friends than customers. This emplo