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Showing posts from December, 2019

Awards Store in Baytown, Texas Discusses the Effect of Participation Trophies on Children

In the world of youth sports, one of the most controversial topics of our time is whether children should be awarded for participation. You might often hear someone complaining that kids today are different in so many ways, often correlating back to kids receiving participation awards instead of having to work for recognition. An awards store in Baytown, Texas is discussing what psychologists have to say on this controversial issue. The Argument Against Participation Trophies Most people who are against giving out participation trophies feel strongly that this overprotects children. People often say giving trophies to children no matter how much effort put in or how poor the performance is, only protects their feelings about losing. Leaving them to grow up with a feeling of entitlement, instead of working hard to be recognized for their accomplishments. Making children feel like they do not have to work hard because they are going to receive a trophy no matter what. Da