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Showing posts from May, 2020

Awards and Engraving in Baytown, TX is discussing Banner Options for Businesses

COVID-19 has shaken up the world in so  many different ways , and we are all finding ways to adjust. Businesses are having to open outside of their normal and offer services different than they normally would. Having banners to display outside your business can be the best way to communicate the correct information to customers and  e nsure you continue to operate smoothly. Awards and  Engraving   is discussing some  banner s   in Baytown, TX ,  options th at  may work for your business.   Horizontal Banners   Horizontal  b anners are just that ,  horizontal. They are offered in many different sizes  with  38, 62 ,  and 24 inches being the most common. These banners can display a message easily and be customized to fit the information you need to communicate. Horizontal  b anners are typically easy to display across the store - front or along the road with metal poles. The banner is great if you have a lot you need to say  because  you can fit more wording neatly acro

Tips on Maintaining your Trophies in Baytown, TX

Nothing is better than being recognized for your hard work.  Receiving an award is exciting,  and  while you may want to keep your award on display ,  you may also be wondering how to maintain the quality of your award or trophy.  Awards and Engraving is providing tips and tricks to maintain your  trophies in Baytown, TX .   Avoid Sunlight   Although you may want to display your awards it is important to make sure they do not sit in the direct sunlight. The  exposure  can cause silver   or gold-plated awards to crack or bubble and wood awards to fade over time. Once this damage is  made,  there is no way to repair the award to its original condition.  Try to keep displays or display cases away from windows, finding the perfect position to display your awards is key.    Keep Away  from   Moisture   Making sure to keep your awards and trophies out of areas with extremely high moisture is very important. This includes areas such as bathrooms, basements and ki