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Showing posts from June, 2020

An Award Shop in Baytown, TX is Discussing the Top Awards Ever

There are so many awards that can be up for grabs in your community, the country, and the world. Awards and Engraving ,  an   award shop  in Baytown, TX ,  is discussing some of the top awards that can be claimed , i ncluding what it takes to receive the award and the prestige associated with each.    The Nobel Prize   F irs t presented in 1901, this award is named after the man  who invented  dynamite. The award can be presented to people in a total of six fields of study and highlight the top accomplishment in each field. The winner of the  award  is someone who has changed the world for the better with their invention or work. The six fields are  chemistry, physics, literature, medicine,  economics,  and peace.     The Booker Prize   This award is the most prestigious literary award in Britain. The award is presented once a year, to the author who with the most outstanding novel over the prior 12 months.    The Oscar   This award highlight s  the talent and  creativity it takes to c