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Showing posts from February, 2021

How to Celebrate Essential Workers Utilizing Custom Awards

Over the past year, many people h ave  come to realize just how important essential workers are to our society. There are a countless  number of  essential workers who have dedicated themselves to making sure our basic needs are met amid the pandemic. In many cases, essential workers have even put their health at risk to help the community they live in. With the year anniversary of the pandemic upon us, we believe now is the time to celebrate and honor essential workers with  custom awards . Below we have outlined a few award types and the best recipient for each award to help you celebrate the essential workers in your community.     1. Medals   Medals are typically presented to athletes who have worked hard, putting in long hours of sacrificial work to achieve  greatness . Athletes compete in long challenges of endurance, strength, and mental toughness to achieve medals in their sport. Much like healthcare workers who have spent long hours at the hospital or office stretching their b