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Showing posts from December, 2021

5 Employee Award Ideas to Recognize This Year’s Hard Work

The end of the year is a great time to celebrate the success your employees have had throughout 2021. Employee awards are one way you can do this  and  there are many different types that you can choose from. In this blog post, we'll explore five ideas for  employee  a wards  that will be perfect for your company!   The Top Salesperson Award   The Top Salesperson award is a great way to recognize the employee who has had the most success in their role. This could be based on total sales, or it could be based on a specific goal that was set for the year.     The Fearless Leader Award   The Fearless Leader award is perfect for recognizing employees who have shown exceptional leadership skills throughout the year. This could be someone who has stepped up to lead a team in times of need or who has shown innovation and creativity in their work.     The Innovator Award   The Innovator award is perfect for employees who have gone above and beyond when it comes to creative thinking and pro