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Showing posts from July, 2022

Establishing Your Sports Recognition Program

It’s no secret that everyone likes a little recognition every once in a while. For kids especially, it can be a deciding factor when considering if they want to stay with an activity or not. That ’ s why having a well-established sports recognition program is key to keeping your athletes motivated. Awards & Engraving, a Baytown awards shop , is sharing a few things to keep in mind when putting together your program. Keep it positive - Acknowledging a job well done is always great but be sure to avoid negative comments about others.  Encourage participation - The more people that get involved, the more fun it will be! Be specific - Instead of just saying “good job,” try to include what they did that was praiseworthy. Make it visual - People love seeing their names in lights, so consider making a big deal out of announcing winners. Keep notes throughout the season on each player’s progress to help you recognize individual effort and improvement. Make it regular – Make r