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Showing posts from August, 2018

Execute Plans for Giving Houston Awards to Students

A hot topic in schools right now is if giving students rewards is okay or not. Those against it believe that it is unfair. They state that individuals have their learning curves, which is true; however, a lot of the time they give all their students rewards. This idea is not smart. This rewards students for nothing; it creates the notion that they deserve things without working for them. Giving personalized gifts in Bayton isn't ideal either; if you do want to do a reward system, it has to be properly executed. Step 1: Choose Overall Goal What is your initial goal? What are you trying to get them to accomplish? How are you trying to better themselves? Rewards need to have a purpose. Are you trying to get them to read more? Be more obedient? Be more friendly to peers? Step 2: Choose Different Rewards Next, you have to decide on specific Houston awards . The best way to do this is by having a scale. Have smaller gifts for smaller accomplishments. This way all the st