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Showing posts from October, 2022

7 Tips on Planning a Virtual Event for Your Team

A positive company culture is built on employee recognition. Not only does it improve employee retention, boost morale, and encourage teamwork, it benefits your business's bottom line. Employees who feel valued and appreciated are more productive and provide better customer service than those who don’t receive recognition. But these days, many employees are working remotely. How do you give awards to employees who only interact virtually? The recognition experts from Awards & Engraving are here to help!    Here are 7 tips from a provider of corporate recognition awards on planning a virtual event for your team:   - Make It Interactive   Make sure your event is more than just a talking head. Utilize Polls and Q&A features in Zoom to keep your employees engaged. You can also ask them to submit questions beforehand so you can be sure to hit on topics that are important to them.   - Get Everyone Involved   A virtual event is the perfect opportunity to get everyone in on the fu

The Different Types of Awards Engraving

Awards are a way to appreciate and celebrate someone's achievements. They can come in many different shapes and sizes and be engraved with a variety of designs and messages. Perhaps you've never given much thought to the different types of engraving for trophies before but t he type of engraving you choose will affect the material you can use and the look you’re going for . I n this blog post, we'll explore the different ways awards can be engraved and why each method might be chosen. So, whether you're looking to buy an award or have your c orporate r ecognition a wards engraved, read on!   Laser Engraving: This is a popular choice for trophies because it is very precise and can be done quickly. Because of this, it's often the most affordable option. A laser beam is used to etch the design into the trophy material. It can only be done on flat surfaces, such as the plates on the bases of trophies.   Abrasive etching: Also called deep etching, this is the